Fenix International Inc. | SAP Business One Energizes Customers and Staff

Producers of ultra-affordable mobile enabled solar solutions that empower more than 1.3 billion people living off-grid, Fenix International, needed a more powerful ERP solution to continue improving their customers’ quality of life. Working with ACEteK to implement SAP Business One, Fenix International now has complete control of their company. 

Products and Services

Solar home systems for remote, off-grid households 

Industry and Sector

Energy – Solar Power.


  • Fenix International had specific requirements that weren’t being met by their previous software.
  • A multi-currency functionality was required.
  • A new ERP platform was needed to simplify and unify all internal business processes.

Why SAP and ACEteK

  • SAP Business One offered an ERP solution that could grow with businesses.
  • Fenix International conducted many interviews and found ACEteK to be the best partner.
  • ACEteK quickly provides support whenever it is needed.


  • Since implementation, Fenix International now has a multi-currency functionality.
  • SAP Business One provides the ability to make inter-company transactions.
  • Invoices are seamlessly created and delivered to the relevant companies.
  • Business processes have improved, and all branches are seamlessly controlled through a single consolidated view.
  • Unrelated duties can be segregated to improve efficiency.
  • Business control has improved, and authorization is better.
  • SAP Business One provides space for growth